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Angels Are Really Dwelling Among Us..

Yes, angels been dwelling among us mere mortals.

MOTHERS are angels in human forms missing their wings and dwelling among us. Really.

I wasn't sure any  definition could sufficiently describe this rare breed but I tried snooping around the net and came up with these definitions from freedictionary where a ''mother'' is defined as:

a. A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child.
b. A female person whose egg unites with a sperm, resulting in the conception of a child.
c. A woman who adopts a child.
d. A woman who raises a child.
I tend to partly agree with these definitions. Methink  the ability to donate egg(s), getting pregnant and birthing does not really qualify one to be a mother. I've seen / heard of women who adopt babies / kids doing a better job than the egg donors or carriers or ''birthers'' in the long run.

I think the icing is in the raising; in my opinion, that is.

Even though 'tis really near impossible to come up with an apt definition or description of the word ''Mother'' but now to the best definition thought up in my head:
A mother Is ''a female person who adopts or gives birth to a child and raises the child with a firm commitment to endure whatever comes her way in ensuring a brilliant and balanced offspring, a female person adept at combining multiple functions to achieve this goal, often willingly and cheerfully undertaking the job of at least ten people with or without any form of gratification in sight and with or without formal education; often sacrificing a great deal of self comfort in the process.
Phew. Very long definition.
Makes a bit of sense, no?
Really, the above definitions combined does not even begin to fully describe by half what mothers stand for but would suffice for now until someone comes up with a better description.

I believe a mother is more than an egg donor or a custodian or a guardian.
A mother is a friend, her children's best friend and confidant too. (you wouldn't begin to imagine the kind of things I used to discuss with my mum...)
A mother is irreplaceable in a child's life (mine has been gone for 10 years yet the gulf created is still unfilled)
A mother is kind, compassionate, caring and wise; more like a seer
A mother is someone that loves her hot headed, sometimes ungrateful child unconditionally, more than life itself and would risk anything, go to the ends of the world to ensure they have a good life.
A mother is that person who sacrifices all to ensure their child has a better life than them
A mother is an angel sent by God to watch over His precious seeds on earth, carefully guiding them through the good and the bad times.
A mother is that person who smiles forgivingly even when ythe child unthinkingly abuses her sense of style
A mother is that person that continues to support her child even when they discountenance her opinion
A mother is her child's biggest fan
A mother is the one whose arms are always open and whose heart is always giving
A mother is an embodiment of grace and strenght
A mother is an angel without wings
A mother is a superhero without cape
A mother is love personified.
Yes, LOVE.
Love that doesnt give up on an errant child
Love that bInds,connects and unites
Love stronger than any feeling of resentment, loathing or fury
Love whose smile is brighter than sunshine dispelling the darkest shadows of doubt Love that could still smile beautifully in the midst of pain and chaos
Love that provide support: physically, emotionally, financially, morally and spiritually.
Love that respects even when disrespected
Love that stands up for her child, shielding and protecting tender frames while exposing her own frame to attacks
Love that stoutly stand tall even while frail in the place of prayer
And as we celebrate the mother's day, I dedicate this space to all mothers of biological or adopted kids; to every woman involved in the labour of love called "parenting". And to every and anyone reading this, please spare a thought and prayer for all the Angels that have endured the pain of losing their treasure(s) in one tragic circumstance or the other; for all the wonderful and strong Angels-to-be awaiting their time trusting the Supreme being for their own treasures and finally to all the loving Angels doing the wonderful job of raising their physically / mentally challenged treasures.
To cap it all and appreciate many of the blessings we daily take for granted as Angels, you may want to read this beautiful mother's posthere
If you are priviledged to still have your angel with you, ring her up and let her know you love her in simple terms. Treasure the moments. And to all who have had the privilege of enjoying a mother's love, treasure the memories.
To all enjoying the privilege of "mothering", don't even begin to take your blessings lightly; never let any golden moment slip by. Treasure the hugs, the kisses, the tears and the laughter, treasure the time spent with these little ones and keep thanking God for the opportunity extended to you to be an ANGEL WITHOUT WING.
And to all the Angels who are hoping to enjoy the priviledge of being a mother, your time is now!
Lastly, as I write this with my heart quaking wondering how I could ever be all of the above and more to my little treasures, I say this with great trembling hoping you can somehow hear me where you are safely enscounced in the loving bossom of your maker: MUM, I LOVE YOU.
You are irreplaceable, your lessons live on, your virtues with a life of their own in me. Your smile and words remain indelible in my heart.

Happy Mother's Day.


  1. Nice piece, Biola. Mothers are angels indeed. Happy mothers day to you.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous. Yes they really are angels.

  3. Mothers are treasures words cannot easily describe. I had to have children of mine to fully appreciate mine. And of course you do not have to bear yours to qualify to be a mother. Big love to all em " Mommas". Nice piece Biola.

  4. This post brought a tear to my eye, thank you for sharing it with us.
    My own sweet mother passed away suddenly a couple of years ago. I know where she is, I know who she is with, and I know she is happy. But, sometimes, the lonliness for her is immense. It is a comfort to know, that she was an angel in life, and is now an angel in heaven.
    Happy Mothers Day to all you angels out there
    Love and Hugs
    Phoebe x

    1. The loneliness could be overwhelming sometimes but of great comfort is the realisation that she is resting in a better place.

  5. Yes Omolara, words are inadequate to describe Mothers and we tend to appreciate them more when we face the tiniest fraction of what they experienced nurturing us..

    Thanks for visiting.

  6. I so MISS my mum like right now!!! mothers are irreplaceable... mine has been gone for a while now too but I still miss her dearly.
    Lovely piece!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Priscy and I am totally in agreement with you- they are irreplaceable.


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