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Showing posts from October, 2014

Touch Your Breasts...Now!

Source Yes, go on. Touch your breasts right now. Stand in front of the mirror and do some visual examinations, check for any obvious / imagined changes in the layout of your breast...any unusual wrinkling or crinkling...any changes in the nipples...then raise your arm and feel your breast with the small of your palm in a circular motion...first one...then the other.

Being Special

I see it in his face Gazing out the window at strangers Giving out unsolicited smiles Hoping to get one in return Forced or natural, it hardly matters. When I was much younger And then this morning too, In the midst of praying for world peace and an end to neo natal deaths I yearn it too. It didnt matter that he feels it And hears it daily From an adoring ma and pa, In the loving touches and hugs Words softly spoken with gaiety. He needs it still more From someone who didn't have to know him Let someone who doesn't love him Wave back and smile hesitantly At the little boy gawking expectantly. Then like a million tiny bulbs I see his face lights up In him, I see me As he revel in those moments Of being special.

Future's Past...Past's Future

So my 5yr old is torn between being an engineer and a medical doctor+pastor....the 'Doctoring' + 'pastoring' must go together (in his mind)... Why? Engineers fix things, doctors fix people, save people and 'heal the world' while pastors are always smartly dressed in their suits. He associates pastors with 3pc suits, he loves suits and has also come to associate wearing them with very serious occasions.