I feel Your warmth envelope me A zillion spidery arms in the hazy morn Meandering the long road with eyes slightly dim I breath Your touch as I'm held road borne! This feeling of soft feelings so mutual In depth, deeper than the deepest ocean Swishing in the air without being frugal Forever lost in the soothingly warm motion! Your soft and broad chest over me suspend Shielding from harm with compassion so strong Your unselfish love I would never comprehend To rise in splendor for me moving mountains along! Nowhere from your love would I ever flee Your loving kindness like sweet creamy honey Dripping from my ravished tongue like a bee No yummy wads in the till, but the days are again sunny! © Biolaleye and Ramblings of A Nigerian Workahomom, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material or any other material on this site without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. E...
LIFE, LOVE and everything in between...through the eyes of a mother.